In the Press
Prof. Motke Rabinovitz is distinguished with the Honorable ICS Member Award
Prof. Meital Reches wins the MCCA Best Innovator Award 2017 of the Marie Curie Alumni Association
Esti Ben-Shoan receives 2017 ICS-Shahar Prize for the Excellent Administrative Assistant
Ms. Esti Ben-Shoan is awarded an ICS-Shahar Prize for her professional and creative management, personal work ethics, high emotional intelligence and remarkable human relations, both with the administrative staff under her authority and the faculty members and students.
Prof. Sason Shaik is the recipient of the 2017 ICS Gold Medal
Mazal Tov !
The Nature journal highlights "Quantum Thermodynamics" as a new research field pioneered by Prof. Ronnie Kosloff.
"A Symbol of Trust" - an interview of Prof. Sason Shaik about German-Israeli relations and collaborations.
Prof. Sason Shaik and his long standing collaborators Prof. Helmut Schwarz (Technical University Berlin) and Prof. Yitzhaik Apeloig (Technion) were interviewed at the Technical University Berlin about the German-Israeli relations. The interview in English can be found here: link.
Marcel Fabian wins a Poster Prize at WATOC 2017
Prof. Uri Banin is awarded the IVS2017 Excellence Prize!
The Israel Vacuum Society has award Prof. Uri Banin with the IVS Excellence Award in 2017!
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