About us

The Institute of the Chemistry is the first in Israel, and the founding father of the Institute of Chemistry, Prof. Andor Fodor, who was recruited by Profs. Albert Einstein and Chaim Weizmann. The first paper in chemistry was sent for publication on January 1924, even before the official establishment of The Hebrew University and the State of Israel.
At present, the Institute of Chemistry have 34 faculty members, and about additional 20 active emeriti professors, performing research in a variety of fields of chemistry. The institute is a vibrant education and research center, that offers B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry, comprising more than 250 undergraduates, about 200 research students and 100 PostDoc researchers from all over the world.

The Institute equip our graduates with advanced scientific and technological skills sets, and it has evolved into a center of excellence in various areas of chemistry, with emphasis on multidisciplinary research programs. We have a vibrant environment for teaching and research, with very good infrastructure and state-of-the-art instrumentation. In addition to the excellent research that results in publications in top journals, many industrial activities evolved, including developing new products and processes, and establishing start-up companies.

We welcome students and researchers for our high level studies and research, in exciting and innovative fields of chemistry!