Sample submission

Sample submission:

You need to submit your sample in a small vial that is clearly labeled with a sample code and complete an "Elemental Analysis Request Form" or (and) the “MS Request Form"

Your sample code should consist of your initials and a number that refers to an individual sample.



Request Form for Elemental analysis Determination: Elemental Analysis form

Request Form for MS Determination: MS form.

For non-HUJI clients, please complete the Payment Form: Order



Please provide as much information as possible about your sample, and what element you wish to determine. Give the formula and draw the structure or at least an indication. Deduce your %CHN, O, S, F, Cl, Br, I, and P content. It is essential that you provide your name, phone number, e-mail address, your advisor's or company name, and purchase order or account number for billing purposes.

You should provide a bare minimum of 5 milligrams for CHN analysis. You will need to provide an additional amount if you require further analysis in addition to CHN. In cases where you have a very small amount of sample, it is possible to do one CHN run with only 1 mg.

Analysis duration:

CHN and MS results are normally completed within 3 working days, but this can vary depending upon sample load and instrument problems.

Halogens, S and P analysis are usually finished within 5 working days.

You can ask for urgent analysis, at an additional cost.


Results can be picked up at the laboratory or sent to you via e-mail or regular mail.